If you wanna know how to unleash a flood of email replies into your inbox, by tweaking your welcome email subject line…
Then here’s a quick story on how I did just that for one of my clients, Alex Llull.
If you’re not familiar with Alex, he’s a Twitter influencer and content creator who runs an awesome newsletter called The Steal Club.
How I re-wrote the subject line of his welcome email to boost responses:
Even though Alex was already crushing it with his newsletter, he knew he could make his emails even better with some outside help…
So he messaged me.
One of his main goals was to get more replies from his list.
You see, replies are valuable because they boost your deliverability (helping you avoid the spam box), while opening up conversations with potential customers.
To help him get more replies, I tweaked the subject line of his welcome email. (The first email that goes out to his new subscribers.)
Before working with me, the subject line was, “Welcome to the club!”
It was pretty good. But to help him get EVEN MORE responses, I encouraged him to change the subject line to:
“Welcome! (response needed)”
It’s the same idea as his former subject line, but it catches your attention with curiosity AND accountability… by saying a response is needed.
And after tweaking those few words in his subject line,
Here’s what happened:
![welcome email subject line case study](https://www.dylanbridger.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/alex-llull-testimonial-1.jpg)
Improve your welcome email:
So there you have it!
A quick example on how to configure your welcome email to unleash a flood of replies (and sales opportunities).
And if you want more useful pointers like this to help you make email work for YOU…
Then you might be interested in my email marketing coaching program.
Talk soon,