I’ll Help You Generate $16,900 – $30,600 In 1 To 5 Days From Your Email List — On A Commission-ONLY Basis

If you’re a coach or course creator with at least 5,000 email subscribers and a proven offer, then watch the video below to discover how my “D.I.D. Method” can help you increase conversions from your email list (or you pay nothing!)

What Clients Say About Working With Dylan Bridger:

“Dylan was absolutely instrumental to the $19K, 5-day launch of my course, Gifted To Paid. From the beginning, I knew that email marketing would be the main pillar of my strategy and Dylan’s contributions were pivotal to ensuring all the chess pieces were properly placed.

But the real beauty of working with Dylan is that he’s just a super nice guy! Easy to get along with, wicked smart, and flexible when any issues arose. Highly recommend anyone considering hiring him to do so ASAP!”

Justin Moore, Sponsorship Coach at CreatorWizard.com

“I contacted Dylan because I needed some help with my email marketing strategy. I didn’t have problems on the content side, but more on the strategy side of it. Dylan came in and gave my whole strategy more structure. I saw promising results in just a matter of days!”

Alex Llull, Creator of TheStealClub.com

“Within a couple weeks of working with Dylan, we launched a week-long campaign using Dylan’s approach. On the second-last day of that campaign, our company saw its largest single day of sales in its entire history. The following day, we smashed the previous day’s record with nearly 3x the sales from the day before.”

Arin Klug

“I have worked with more than 15 marketing experts for my business, and what I can confidently say about Dylan, is that he is the most professional, well mannered, and knowledgeable marketing expert I have ever worked with.”

Shadi Amiri, Life Coach & Course Creator @ Happy Life Coaching

“Dylan Bridger is as best as they come. His knowledge and expertise on all things email marketing are next to none.”

Tanvir Bhangoo, Best-Selling Author, CEO, and Keynote Speaker at TanvirBhangoo.com

“Dylan delivers. He consistently went above and beyond to deliver exactly what we needed for our email marketing. His passion, expertise, and exceptional communication skills have us now working with him on a monthly bases. Highly recommend his services.”

Ryan Jenkins, Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, and #1 Thought Leader On Team Connection

“Finding a good copywriter has always been a challenge for me, given that for much of my career I’ve been involved in communication and writing. So I was delighted to find Dylan based on recommendations from others in my network. My goal as a business owner is to share content that is valuable, meaningful, and grows my business. It can be a tricky to get this balance right, but Dylan has a real talent in this respect.

He never shows up with a readymade solution, but instead uses his knowledge and frameworks to facilitate a discussion around my content and desired outcomes. He then gives space for my own ideas and insights, before helping me shape these in a way that is far better than I could have achieved working alone.

As a result of his collaborative approach and superior copywriting skills, all the content he has helped me create feels on brand, sounds like me, generates value for my audience and guides them to the next step in the journey in a way that feels natural. I would highly recommend Dylan as the copywriter for your next project if you are looking to create quality copy that adds value to you and your clients.”

Melitta Campbell, Business Coach at MelittaCampbell.com

“Dylan helped our company kickstart e-mail marketing and e-mail nurturing to optimize for lead conversions during the first few months of platform launch. He’s an excellent writer and marketing strategist who demonstrated extreme professionalism and strong communication skills throughout the engagement.

I’d highly recommend Dylan to any company looking to kickstart or supercharge their use of email marketing.”

Oren Singer, Co-Founder & CEO at SparrowShare.com

“Dylan is a rare combination of a great marketer and thoughtful strategist. The result is an email marketing coach that helps you create email marketing that fits who you are, what you are trying to achieve for your business and how to think properly about everything you write in the future. If you are not getting results you want from your email marketing, hire Dylan.”

Howard Mann, Business Coach & Strategist at HowardMann.com

“I strongly recommend Dylan’s services. In just a few short weeks he helped me by:

1 – going over my product landing page to make it more engaging and I could see and actually feel how much better it read. This is very important because it is where I am trying to convert sales.

2 – With my new opt-in sequence my open and click rates are MUCH better! 51% opened and 4-6% click rate. Meaning my stuff is actually being opened and considered as valuable content

3- By tweaking my opt-in page my opt-in signups have almost doubled. Meaning twice the number of leads entering my funnel

Don’t hesitate to hire Dylan. Very worthwhile investment.”

Mike Ashie

“I worked with Dylan in January of 2023. Dylan is an absolute master at email marketing. Before working with him, my emails were ridiculous. (So many links, so much text. So long. So bad.) He taught me that simple is better and it is so true. After I took out the clutter and I learned how to put the spark in the words on the page, my audience responded immediately.

Dylan makes it look so easy. Someone as good as he is could get a big head and be cocky, especially with all the rookie questions that I was asking him—But he’s the nicest person ever. Never bothered, always happy to help, and he always had the perfect answer. You can just tell he’s been doing this a long time. And he knows so much. I would ramble along with five sentences, trying to make a point and he would swoop in and say, “you could say it like this in one sentence”. I would be blown away because he just throws out pure gold.

I learned so much by watching him edit my drafts, and now I feel confident that I can write emails to my list regularly. He helped me understand the big picture about why consistency is important. I know for a fact, he changed the direction of my business. And thank god he did. I was running in circles chasing so many different things that weren’t producing results and Dylan coaching fixed that. Not just email, but his knowledge of sales and business is priceless. Now I can write a few emails a week, and do so much more than I was doing before as far as moving the needle in my small business.

I hope that he will work with me again in the future. And I seriously can’t say enough good things. I would absolutely recommend him to a friend…AND, he’s just a good dude. Thank you so much, Dylan, for all your help!!!!”

Caylee Carullo, Creator of The Calm Classroom Course for Preschool Teachers

“Dylan helped us clarify our processes and create a clearer path to closing the sale. He asked the right questions, prompting us to refine our thinking and zero in on what was important. He taught tips and tricks along the way, with a gentle and light-hearted approach. We left with several email sequences and nearly dozens of emails we will be utilizing immediately…and that improvement has supported our overall business success.”

Kate Fox

“Before I started working with Dylan, I was really struggling with my messaging and really connecting and engaging with my audience. What I loved about Dylan was how friendly, how easy he is to talk to and how he worked together with me to plan what we needed to do next. It was an amazing experience, I highly recommend Dylan, I think his style, approach and how amazing he is with email marketing, you can’t go wrong. Thank you so much Dylan, you are amazing!!

Bill Dow, Coach at BillDowPMP.com

“I knew that I always wanted to get more into email marketing with there being so much potential there for me as a coach, but I felt lost on figuring it all out. After looking into ConvertKit, I was overwhelmed and simply gave up. After meeting Dylan, I kept his expertise in the back of my mind until I was finally ready to dive into email marketing. He was the first person I thought of. I hired Dylan and worked with him 1:1 and he answered every single question that I needed answered and MORE. He spent a lot of time making sure that I fully understood everything step-by-step and that every detail was explained so that when I was on my own after our coaching, I’d understand everything seamlessly. If you’re someone who knows that email marketing has potential for them, but isn’t sure where to start, let Dylan help you make it easier, more digestible, and more enjoyable. Thank you Dylan!”

Kristen Bousquet, Founder at YourSoulcialMate.com

“Hi. My name is Peter Baron, and I am more than happy to leave a review for Dylan. He and I started working together a month maybe two months ago on email sequence support a product launch. And I gotta tell you, like, the way he thinks about how to position email for your email list, especially around products and leading with education versus leading with the product. It’s a real subtle thing that he teaches you, but once you absorb it, it just makes a huge difference. Dylan’s a really smart guy. He’s easy to work with, super friendly, wants to learn about your business and help position email in a way that’s, you know, as optimal as possible for you. And if you’re considering him, I highly recommend him. I just think he was a great partner.”

Peter Baron, Founder at MoonShotOS.com